Inch by inch the United States is moving
towards war with Iraq and - as the newly
announced "contingency deployments"
show - inch by inch John Howard's Australia
is following.
It seems that President Bush will have
his war at any price. He will have it
with or without the approval of the United
Nations Security Council. He will have
it with as many allies as he can draw
in, or even with none - though Blair's
Britain and Howard's Australia will certainly
join him. He will have it even if the
ongoing inspections do not produce evidence
of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.
He will have it at a time of his own choosing,
whether or not the inspections teams themselves
consider that they have done all that
they need to.
In 1991 war against Iraq was necessary.
It had invaded, conquered and annexed
a neighbouring state. It refused all attempts
to negotiate a peaceful withdrawal. To
allow the conquest of Kuwait to stand
would have sent a signal to every would-be
aggressor on the planet that foreign conquest
with impunity was now possible. The immense
coalition that gathered against Iraq,
including states that were never friends
(let alone allies) of the US, and the
support of the Security Council, showed
that this judgement, in one way or another,
was widely shared.
In 2003 there is no such necessity. The
Saddam regime is certainly an oppressive
and vicious dictatorship but, as the closing
stages of World War II (in both the European
and Pacific theatres) showed all too clearly,
the people and armed forces of such dictatorships
can fight bravely and with desperation
against foreign invasion. The Soviets
suffered heavy losses during the taking
of Nazi Berlin in April 1945. American
fear of Japanese fanaticism led to the
use of nuclear weapons, so as to avoid
the horrendous casualties expected in
an invasion of Japan. It is by no means
certain that the Iraqis will fold cheaply
when attacked: they will be defending
their homes.
Being an oppressive dictatorship has
hitherto been insufficient to justify
invasion. We are told that Iraq must disarm.
But how can a state prove that it does
not possess certain weapons? Could Australia
prove it does not possess, eg, weaponised
The Iraqi regime has no missile, either
in service or under development, with
a range capable of reaching the United
States. Any attempt to develop nuclear
weapons (and I am not so foolish as to
think that Saddam would not develop and
use such weapons if he could) can be countered
by prompt destruction of any suspect facility.
This is what the Israelis did to Iraq
in 1981, when they destroyed the Osirak
nuclear plant. Missile tests can be reliably
detected by satellite surveillance. If
we desire to prevent Iraqi development
of deliverable weapons of mass destruction,
invasion is unnecessary.
Where is the threat now? The Iraqi armed
forces will, I fear, fight well in defence
of their great cities but their potential
for serious offensive operations, even
against near neighbours, has been minimal
ever since the 1991 disaster. To claim
that they pose a significant threat to
the United States itself is clearly absurd.
Even if Bush's war is successful, it
will set an appalling precedent. On the
basis of its unilateral judgement and
without the sanction of the United Nations,
the US will have waged a war of aggression.
It will have appointed itself judge, jury
and executioner. If this happens the United
States of America will transform the way
it is viewed around the world. It will
no longer be possible to view it as committed
to peace, with war as a last resort in
self-defence or defence of others. War
will have become an option used by the
US when other options still remain. This
is the heart of "pre-emption"
Bush style.
The unease of many major US allies, such
as France and Germany, shows the danger.
Equally significant is the support Bush
is getting from some dubiously democratic
regimes in eastern Europe eager to curry
favour. Instead of leading a community
of democracies, Washington may become
an unpredictable aggressor, mistrusted
by many, hated by some (even more than
now) and viewed askance by many traditional
friends. It could in the end do itself
great harm by undermining the natural
affinity and support which many in the
democratic countries have hitherto felt
for it. There will be no way of knowing
where Washington's military agenda will
end. But the US at least has resources
at its disposal to support a large military
agenda; Australia, however, does not.
The Howard Government's inexorable march
towards the precipice of aggressive war
risks much. The lives of Australian military
personnel. A lot of money. Australia's
already shaky status as a country capable
of adopting foreign and security policies
of its own choosing. Australia's national
honour, as a country which only goes to
war to defend itself or its friends. If
Bush wages war unsanctioned by the UN
and we join that war, we tar ourselves
irrevocably with the American brush. We
invite every anti-American terrorist group
to put us higher on their target list.
It could even turn out that the "coalition"
for war against Iraq effectively consists
only of the US, UK, Australia and a few
unattractive Middle Eastern regimes bribed
to offer facilities.
We should be looking to our own backyard.
The tragedy of East Timor is an enduring
monument to the deliberate blindness of
Australian policy towards the aggression
of the former Indonesian dictatorship.
Since 1999 we have gone some way towards
retrieving that blunder. But now we hear
pleas from Dili for a more active posture
against the pro-Indonesian militias which
are again raising their heads in East
Timor. But we are too busy preparing for
Iraq to answer the East Timorese. Several
South Pacific states stand in urgent need
of significant internal security assistance;
some requests have already gone unanswered.
We should prioritise our limited military
capabilities. Fighting a war of aggression
alongside the US should not be a priority.
As a long-time ally, we should do the
United States a favour and tell them that,
even though they will win their Iraqi
war (at a cost), it is one they should
not wage, need not wage, unless Baghdad
does something so obviously outrageous
that the international community and the
United Nations agree that war is the only
remaining option. Right now, it isn't.
Washington needs to understand that the
costs of this war will be measured less
in dollars, even in casualties, than in
its international good name. If at the
end of the day the US becomes feared and
mistrusted by many in the West, it risks
the unravelling of long-standing alliances
and friendships. Do President Bush and
his colleagues really wish to follow the
Machiavellian dictum and become feared
rather than loved (or at least respected)?
Or are they themselves blinded by their
military power and an emotional need to
hit back at a convenient target after
the trauma of 11 September 2001? And can
Australia afford to be linked to such
a state? We are a small power, and can
inspire little fear. We depend on respect
and to earn it we need to respect standards
of international conduct, even if Washington
does not.
The Howard Government thus risks much
if it follows Bush to Iraq in an unsanctioned
war. And the Australian people will have
no mercy on their Government if the war
goes wrong or lasts too long, or proves
a costly victory, or results in a humanitarian
catastrophe in Iraq, or requires us to
provide occupation troops in a ruined
Iraq for years to come with anti-western
guerrillas picking our soldiers off, one
here, another there.
One can only hope that the Americans
retreat from the precipice, because nothing
seems surer than that the Howard Government
will blindly follow them over it if Washington
finally opts for unsanctioned war. The
present state of Australian opinion suggests
that, while almost everyone will wish
our forces well - they would be carrying
out the orders of an elected Government
- there will be serious domestic division
about a decision to send them without
UN support. It took decades to repair
the divisions opened up by Vietnam; let
us hope that today's generation of conservatives
do not do it all again over Iraq.