Earlier this year, the Queensland Government announced that it was considering placing graphic fat images on junk food packets in a bid to curb the obesity crisis. This follows hot on the heels of smoking campaigns using this tactic to scare smokers into quitting.
It seems that desperate times lead to desperate measures. But is this taking things a little too far?
Such interventions might seem like our rights as a consumer are being taken away. Surely we should be able to choose what we eat without having to look at an unpleasant picture of our insides in the process. Unlike smokers who can blow toxic smoke into the faces of passers-by, eating junk isn't hurting anyone else.
Or is it?
It could be argued that smoking and obesity should not be handled in the same way, primarily because smoking has a direct impact on others, while obesity does not (perhaps with the exception of being 'sardined'). If someone eats a cheeseburger, although they might belch pickle breath, it's unlikely to get into the lungs of an innocent bystander and cause cancer.
But while there's little direct impact, the truth is, obesity doesn't just affect the individual. It affects their family, their community and society as a whole. It strains the health system and impacts the economy.
As an example, the Queensland Courier Mail reported extra staff needing to be put on in some hospitals to hold back stomach fat during caesarean births, and emergency services having to purchase supersized ambulances at $350,000 a pop.
A report published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine back in 2004 found that over a ten-year period, an additional 350 million gallons of jet fuel was required on flights to compensate for American weight gain. That was almost ten years ago, imagine what the figure must be now.
The fact that we need to redesign equipment, infrastructure and transport, use more fossil fuel and even increase staffing rosters due to obesity shows that it's an issue reaching far beyond the individual.
So because it's a public problem, it requires public intervention. Displaying graphic images on food isn't as straightforward as cigarettes though, because where do you draw the line between what's junk and what's not? Will kids have nightmares after doing the weekly shop with mum? (Or will they develop an early appreciation of what a bad diet can lead to?).
What about fast food outlets - will they need to supplement every picture of a hamburger and chips with a side-image of hardened arteries? Obviously someone needs to have a good hard think before they rush out and plaster pictures of our innards all over the place.
Complexities aside, the fact that governments are even considering such radical measures to curb unhealthy eating habits might seem like an outright insult to overweight people, but these images would show the truth.
A poor diet can lead to organs becoming enveloped in dangerous fat, which in turn affects the body's function. A body functioning below par leads to illness, which results in a poor quality of life and a possible early death. At the very least, substantial doses of medication and medical treatment are required to keep these ailing bodies going. It's depressing for the individual and costly for the masses. It's hardly an ideal situation.
Of course there are those who eat junk food as an occasional treat, and displaying grotesque images on such foods might ruin the experience of responsible indulgence. Food should be enjoyed, and even bad food can be enjoyed in moderation. But perhaps the pictures would remind us that moderation is the key.
Even if the government does decide to go ahead with 'shock-labelling', it won't effectively reduce obesity rates in isolation. As with most public health matters, we need a range of interventions to tackle the problem.
The issue of obesity is complicated - there are emotional, sociological and biological issues at play. While a sickening image might serve as a minor deterrent, it alone won't stop people from eating junk. Not to mention that what we eat is just part of the equation.
Finding the right combination of interventions though is the challenge. Furthermore, finding the money to fund these interventions is an even bigger challenge. But as shown by persistent smoking campaigns in Australia, it is possible to make a difference. Once upon a time everyone smoked. In fact, you weren't cool if you didn't smoke. Now you're more likely a social outcast. Will the tables turn on obesity too?
At the end of the day, it would be wonderful to say that people should be able to make their own choices about their health. But the unfortunate truth is that a good proportion of the population are making pretty lousy decisions when it comes to controlling their weight. And according to research published in the Medical Journal of Australia, these lousy decisions are costing our country upward of $21 billion each year.
Making junk food visually unappealing through shock-labelling might not be the best way to tackle obesity, but we can't turn a blind eye to the cumulative impact it's having on society.
Regardless of whether food packets display pictures of yellowing visceral fat or cute fluffy kittens, it won't hurt to stop and think about the repercussions of ingesting the contents. It might just be for the greater good.