Following the talk, CIS Executive Director Greg Lindsay commented coyly: "CIS is undecided in its position on the matter, but wholeheartedly supports open and tolerant discussion on this issue, which profoundly affects the lives of so many people".
Similarly, the IPA has published a number of strong statements in favour of drug liberalisation including a significant argument in favour of providing heroin to registered addicts by former Liberal Party MP John Hyde. But equally, it has given space to the zero tolerance view favoured by social conservatives such as Australian Family Association spokesperson Bill Muehlenberg.
However, the current IPA Research Fellow Chris Berg seems to be a particularly vigorous supporter of drug law reform. Berg was one of the participants in the recent Australia 21 roundtable which resulted in a report stating the case for an end to prohibition. Berg has also authored a number of papers identifying prohibition as a failure, and urging consideration of decriminalisation or legalisation in order to minimise drug-related harm. He argues that the war on drugs is "not against drugs, but against drug users".
We currently live in a political climate which highlights the promotion of individual choice and agency, and the right of communities to identify diverse solutions to social needs and problems. This climate seems to provide an opportunity for considering some badly needed new directions in illicit drug policies. Neo-liberals who are true to their philosophical principles in favour of a free market for all goods and services including illicit drugs can and should play an important role in facilitating policy reform.
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