Of course, Australia is already involved in military action overseas against Islamic terrorist groups. Along with some other western countries, we are using both military and police forces overseas to assist countries combat domestic action by such groups.
In short, we are in reality already opposing Islam as an all-encompassing system which rejects Western values and to which all who accept Islam or live in countries under Islamic regimes have to conform. But because there is widespread acceptance of the freedom of religion concept, our opposition occurs without actually pointing the finger at Islam itself. Instead, the action we take is described as helping the stability of other countries or some such language. As such, we and other western countries are disguising the fact that we face what constitutes an even greater threat to western civilisation than World War 11.
This is not to suggest that there is an imminent serious threat from domestic or external Islamic groups or countries. The extent and timing of any aggressive action against or within one or more western countries is unpredictable and but it cannot be ruled out that an extremist Islamic group will access and use nuclear weaponry. We already know that the most extreme Islamic country, Iran, is seeking to so arm itself and is financing action by terrorist groups operating in western countries and/or prepared to act against them.
In my view the extent of future threats will also depend on the extent to which western countries make it clear that Islam is an unacceptable philosophy and that only western values, particularly the dominant position of the state, are acceptable. Exactly how this might be done would require a separate detailed analysis and discussion but something along the lines of the charter brought by Wilders provides an example. In two articles of mine published in Quadrant, as well as public speeches, I have written briefly on this aspect (see my web at www.ipe.net.au ) as has my colleague John Stone.
It is argued that Australian is a multi-cultural society that allows different cultures to exist and to be pursued. This is said to be of benefit to the community. It is also commonly said that freedom of religion should exist ie there should be no discrimination against a religion.
However, Australia supports western values and some cultures and religions are not necessarily consistent with these. This is clearly the case with Islam which puts religion before the country or, as one imam has put it, "a Muslim has no nationality except his beliefs". Some Muslim groups are in fact already banned where they overtly pursue terrorist activity. Why should we limit the banning? Given that the stated objectives in the Qu'ran include violence against other religions and individuals, a case can be made for banning the practice of Islam in Australia.
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