In the weeks since North Korea’s spectacular failure to launch a rocket – most believe it was really an intercontinental ballistic missile - into space, the Stalinist State has slipped from the headlines as Australians concern themselves with the Federal Budget and Americans consider the prospects of an Obama-Romney election campaign.
One place where it has not been forgotten is in Seoul. The South Korean capital situated just a hard day’s march from the Korean Demilitarised Zone, which forms an uneasy border between the two countries.
Analysts in the south say the security situation throughout the Korean Peninsula has grown increasingly tense since the launch fiasco with many predicting it is inevitable the nuclear-armed North will take some form of provocative action in order to recover lost prestige. They point to a series of verbal threats emanating from the northern capital of Pyongyang about turning southern targets to “ashes in three or four minutes”.
Ordinarily this kind of extravagant language would be passed over as just the latest in a long series of Northern posturing. However, the failed missile launch plus the fact that Kim Jong-un, the new and untested Northern leader, needs to consolidate his position, gives more gravity to the rhetoric.
This was emphasised by South Korea’s Foreign Minister, Kim Sung-hwan, in a recent address to the Korea Institute for Maritime Security, a private think tank. “Compared with the past, the level of North Korea’s verbal threats is very high and our government is becoming increasingly nervous,” Kim told the gathering.
So what form will any Northern demonstration take, and how best to meet it? In the past the North has favoured isolated and intense incidents. As far back as 1968 more than 100 North Korean troops landed in the south with the stated intention of conducting a guerilla war; most were either killed or captured.
In 2010 it fired around 200 artillery shells into the South Korean island of Yeonpyeong, killing two soldiers and doing widespread damage. Earlier in the same year, a South Korean naval vessel was sunk by a torpedo, which killed 46 sailors. Pyongyang’s denials of involvement met with worldwide skepticism.
The South’s retaliation follows the policy of what Associate Professor Dong Sun Lee describes as “deterrence by punishment”. As an example, after the Yeonpyeong incident Seoul ordered the shelling of the North. Casualties on that side were never revealed, but analysts said there had probably been “a considerable number”.
However, Lee, of the Korea University Department of Political Science and International Relations, says this is the wrong approach. “It is simply not effective against a risk-accepting adversary such as North Korea – the threat of severe punishment for attacks on warships and small islands is not credible when North Korea has the ability to counterstrike with potent conventional arms and weapons of mass destruction,” Lee said.
Writing in the Australian Journal of International Affairs, he said a slow and deliberate build up of South Korea’s military capability would be an effective demonstration of its determination not to be intimidated while giving Northern leaders plenty of time to think about the consequences of continued aggression.
“It is important to remember that only successful attacks can politically benefit North Korean politicians and generals; failure would damage their political interests. Therefore a robust ROK [Republic of Korea] capability to fend off DPRK [Democratic People’s Republic of Korea] attacks or deny them victories would diminish North Korean aggressiveness.”
Calling this “deterrence by denial” Lee maintained it was the most effective way of using conventional arms to deter an aggressor.
Possibly, but such a plan carries its own inherent risks. Might the prospect of a Southern military build-up provoke the North into a “first strike” while it still had conventional military capability? Might Pyongyang’s strategists reason that South Korea’s powerful ally, the United States, war weary after Afghanistan and Iraq, would not be prepared to commit the men and materiel to yet another theatre of operations?
Those strategists would almost certainly be wrong. The U.S. is seeing East Asia in a new light following its long-term and largely frustrating involvement on the Western side of that continent. Strategists in Washington are well aware of China’s rise in the region but do not see this as a major threat to national interests as long as the U.S.’s own powerful military and political influence in the region is maintained.
Furthermore, South Korea is no South Vietnam, where a corrupt and incompetent regime had to be almost entire propped up by massive American intervention. The South is the home of a robust democracy supported by the overwhelming majority of its citizens who genuinely believe in their way of life.
And to take the analogy further, North Korea is no North Vietnam whose patriotic fervor and unity eventually triumphed over American might and the hapless South. A nation that keeps much of its population on starvation diet simply does not have the resources to sustain a military campaign even if, through sheer force of numbers, it might have some initial success.
The fact is that Pyongyang does not need to force a showdown while it can still successfully play games with the other countries in the Six Party Talks (South Korea, China, Russia, Japan and the US) aimed at ending its nuclear program. Since the talks began, now almost 10 years ago, North Korea has repeatedly made concessions, then withdrawn them, walked out of negotiations then rejoined, alternated soothing statements with angry rhetoric.
Each time when it looked as if progress was being made, Pyongyang has been rewarded, usually with the easing of sanctions and an increase in food aid. When it backtracked, food shipments were reduced and sanctions re-imposed. In this way North Korea has been able to take advantage of international largess while still claiming it is thumbing its nose at the hated capitalists.
What is needed is an insistence from the negotiating parties that only consistent progress on the part of Pyongyang will be acceptable and the easing of sanctions will not occur simply though it returning to positions it had previously conceded. This will require a united approach from the other five nations, which has been lacking in the past.
There has never been a better time for a robust engagement with the North. Kim Jong-un is reportedly in his late 20s and has probably not yet consolidated his power base. If he does it is likely he will be around for the next 40 years, which may well be an uncomfortable thought for senior members in the North Korean Government and military hoping the country will take different, less confrontational directions during their lifetimes.
This presents a window of opportunity for the negotiating countries to reach out to any reforming elements that may exist in the Northern hierarchy. If they fail it is hard to see tensions on the Korean peninsula abating anytime soon.