Fact is that historical Palestine comprised what is today called Israel, Jordan, the West Bank and Gaza. The West Bank and Gaza are 5% - not 22% of historical Palestine - whilst Israel comprises 17% and Jordan makes up the remaining 78%.
What Israel occupied in 1967 - the West Bank and Gaza - was not "Palestinian territory".
The West Bank was "Jordanian territory" - occupied by Jordan between 1948-1967 and unified with Jordan by a vote of the Arab Parliaments of the West Bank and Transjordan in 1950 - and renamed "Jordan".
Jordan ceded its claims to this territory to the PLO in 1988.
The PLO had no interest in it - or in Gaza then occupied by Egypt - before Israel occupied both areas in 1967.
Article 24 of the PLO Charter made this very clear:
This Organization does not exercise any regional sovereignty over the Western Bank in the Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan, on the Gaza Strip or the Himmah Area.
Any future negotiations on the future status of the West Bank and Gaza - not currently included in the State of Palestine - must take these facts into account as well as the fact that there are now two exclusive "Arabs only" States and one Jewish State in historical Palestine .
Mr Abbas needs to take a reality check. Whilst he persists with his revisionist views and tries to ignore the consequences of his unilateral approaches to both the United Nations and UNESCO in breach of the obligations imposed on him by the Oslo Accords and the Roadmap - any hope of further negotiations between Israel and Palestine is a pipe dream.
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