As an international actor, my government seeks to strengthen the international legal system in various international bodies. For example, we support the International Labour Organisation’s efforts to develop mechanisms for compliance with basic labour standards.
Bribery also requires an internationally coordinated approach. OECD discussions have led to a treaty outlawing the bribery of foreign officials, and Dutch law has already been amended to reflect those standards.
Last, but certainly not least, my government wholeheartedly supports the revised OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and it is committed to actively promoting them.
It is all very well and good to talk about things in theory, but traction is gained where, as Americans say, the rubber meets the road.
It is at the local level, particularly in the areas of social exclusion, unemployment, health care, the living environment and safety – that CSR becomes 'truly' visible.
The Dutch government will support the various players in local partnerships, and several instruments have been developed for that purpose.
At the national level the Netherlands government will take initiatives to:
- establish an independent knowledge and information centre on corporate social responsibility that will actively collect, analyse and disseminate information about CSR;
- improve company reporting on corporate social responsibility;
- engage private enterprise and enhance their contributions to solving environmental problems, and
- build additional CSR criteria into the government’s "playbook" as a market participant.
My government thus will play an active role in promoting CSR in both the public and private sectors.
I would now like to dwell on a unique role the government plays as provider of subsidies and guarantees. This role affords the government a unique opportunity to shape individual and corporate behaviour.
I want to dwell on this not only because it is of personal interest to me, but also because my recent plans in this field have caused some people to look more closely at what we are doing.
Since early 1998 I have been discussing CSR with Parliament. Parliament in turn has been influenced by strong feelings in Dutch society about CSR.
This is an edited version of a speech to the New America Foundation’s Global Economic Policy Program at the US Senate, Washington, D.C. on September 11, 2001.
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