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Getting the Balance Right: The Policing of Young People in New South Wales

By Lisa Hayes and Garner Clancey - posted Sunday, 15 August 1999

The policing of youth is a very complex task, due to the diversity of sites and situations in which police and young people interact. Law enforcement represents only one avenue in which police and youth interact, but, it is this aspect of police-youth relations which is open to and receives the greatest criticism, and which has undergone substantial changes in recent years.

Many of the more positive forums of contact are dealt with by specialist officers or sections within the Service. Police officers from Police and Community Youth Clubs have a long, proud tradition in providing access to recreational activities and for delivering crime prevention initiatives. Also, the recently created Youth Liaison Officers have considerable interaction with the young directed towards improving police-youth relations.

These officers are likely to gain an insight into young people, which might be somewhat different to general duties officers who are more likely to have contact with young people in a law enforcement capacity. This might have an unfortunate consequence of distorting their perceptions about the propensity of all youth toward offending behaviour.


While the personal experiences of the police inform the manner in which they interact with young people, other variables and factors are also influential. Consistent with community policing initiatives adopted by the NSW Police Service, there has been increased consultation with and response to community expectations and demands have become important factors in determining the nature of the policing of youth.

Community attitudes towards youth offences vary, but generally it has been shown that community attitudes are distortions of reality. ‘Moral panics’ created or perpetrated by the media about the extent of juvenile offending are not recent phenomena.

The unfortunate consequence of the often simplistic, sensationalised reporting of juvenile offending is the call for firm, swift responses, even though the complexity of the factors related to the causation of juvenile offending require complex solutions. Such solutions include the investment of resources in programs and policies which seek to prevent offending behaviour.

The recorded reality of juvenile offending is somewhat at odds with popular beliefs. Juvenile offending is generally spontaneous, unsophisticated and less serious than adult offending. Juveniles often commit their offences close to home and in groups, which increase the chances of detection. Juveniles also tend to grow out of crime, with little or no intervention

New South Wales has seen the proclamation of legislation in recent years, which have different objectives. Some argue that the introduction of two Acts to enhance police powers and one Act to divert young people from the criminal justice system demonstrates the contradiction of approaches in dealing with juvenile offending. Others argue that use of the powers in the Children (Protection and Parental Responsibility) Act and the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Police and Public Safety) Act seeks to move young people from situations which increase the risk of them becoming a victim of crime or committing an offence.

While recent legislation demonstrates different strategies in dealing with juvenile offending it is the NSW Police Service which is required to integrate these themes into their policing of youth. This is a difficult task.


I now want to present a review of the Young Offenders Act, because it has provided the catalyst for the most substantial changes in the way the NSW Police Service deals with young offenders. It has prompted numerous developments in the Police Service and in the wider juvenile justice system consequently had a substantial impact on the policing of youth.

This is a preliminary analysis, and the information contained should not be taken as superior to more extensive analyses. The reliability of the data presented is less than desirable. Any application or interpretation of the data should be mindful of these concerns.

The Act establishes legislative alternatives to prosecution for young people responsible for the commission of a criminal offence. This has been widely recognized as a positive method for dealing with young offenders.

The Young Offenders Bill 1997, was well received, due in part to the sound empirical and theoretical foundations of the Bill, and due to the considerable consultation which occurred during and after the development of the Bill. The bi-partisan support for the legislation ensured a relatively smooth passage of the Bill through Parliament.

The Act has now been in operation for just over 12 months and substantial developments have been implemented to support the operation of the Act.

80 Youth Liaison Officers (YLOs) commenced duties in February/March 1998. The YLO position heralds a significant improvement on previous arrangements, as the positions are now dedicated to youth issues, specifically to support the Young Offenders Act; the officers were recruited according to merit selection principles; and have and continue to receive training on youth issues.

Each YLO has established significant networks within their local communities. These networks, the communication between youth advocates, young people and these officers and the increased knowledge about local services, are all developments which have greatly enhanced the quality of service delivered by the police. This knowledge and understanding of the YLOs about local youth issues, has resulted in greater confidence within the youth sector and has generally facilitated greater communication around potentially contentious issues.

Another significant development, associated with the implementation of the Act, was the establishment of the Legal Aid HotLine. Concerns had been raised prior and subsequent to the introduction of the Act, that young people would be significantly disadvantaged if they were unable to access legal information prior to making an admission. Given that an admission is a mandatory requirement to be eligible for a caution or conference, failure to access legal advice could lead to inappropriate admission or denial by a young person. Consequently, the need to access legal advice is very important.

In response the Legal Aid Commission allocated funding for the establishment of a telephone HotLine. This HotLine operates seven days per week, from 9 am to 12 am weekdays and 12 pm to 12 am, weekends.

The Act also institutes conference schemes administered by the Department of Juvenile Justice, and requires the engagement of non-Public Service Conference Convenors to facilitate youth justice conferences. This requirement was specifically designed to enable the recruitment of a large pool of convenors with insight into local issues. To date, in excess of 350 conference convenors have been recruited and trained across the state. They have been drawn from local communities to ensure that youth justice conferences are community responses to juvenile crime and informed by local knowledge. Such a large pool also enables the matching of convenors with particular conferences. This matching of convenors with the specific needs of conference participants, ensures that each conference is unique.

Given these developments and structures supporting the implementation of the Act, what has been the response to date? Has the Act resulted in greater numbers of young people being diverted from appearing in Court? Is the Act being applied uniformly across the State? Are all young people receiving the benefits of the Act?

While it is very difficult to answer these questions fully at this stage, it is useful to consider some early trends.

It is apparent that the numbers of young people being diverted have increased significantly since the introduction of the Act in April 1998. However, it also appears that there has been a corresponding increase in the total interventions, largely due to a significant rise from December 1998 to January 1999. Consequently, the proportion of young people diverted from appearing in court has remained relatively stable since the commencement of the Act.

This average rate of diversion, by cautions and conferences, would appear to represent an increase on the number of young people diverted in the years just prior to the introduction of the Act.

While it is encouraging to see that there has been an increase in the total numbers of young people being diverted, it is of concern that this increase has been accompanied by what appears to be an increase in the numbers of young people being formally dealt with by the police. Of even greater concern is that this increase in total intervention numbers has differentially affected young Aborigines. This increase has not been proportionate to the rise in the numbers of Aboriginal young people being formally dealt with. Thus, the increases in total numbers of young people formally dealt with by the police can be partly explained by the substantial increase in the number of Aboriginal young people entering the system.

While the data provides a useful guide to the macro issues pertaining to the implementation of the Act, it does not necessarily illuminate some of the positive and exciting human stories associated with the Act.

A critical feature of the Young Offenders Act is the recognition of the importance of involving the community in dealing with juvenile offending.

In recognition of the significance and respect that certain people in particular communities command, the Act specifies that a respected community member may be invited by police to issue a caution.

A number of cautions have been issued by respected community members to date, and as the Youth Liaison Officers continue to forge links with local communities, the greater the opportunity for cautions to be delivered by non-Police Service personnel.

The NSW Bureau of Crime Research and Statistics is currently conducting an evaluation of the satisfaction of conference participants to the conference process. While this research is yet to be completed, considerable anecdotal information has been captured regarding the effectiveness of conferences. The police attending conferences have reported a variety of positive outcomes, including: an appreciation by the young people of the gravity of their behaviour; the willingness of family members and support people to assume greater responsibility for assisting the young person to avoid further offending; and of victims gaining reparation and satisfaction that their pain and/or hardship has been acknowledged and resolved.

There are other initiatives and developments occurring, such as implementation of the Calaghan Report into the Police Citizens Youth Club movement and the initiation of the Police and Community Training (PACT) programe.

In conclusion, I hope that this paper reveals both the complexity of policing youth and the progress that has been made by the NSW Police Service to further improve police-youth relations. The enormousness of the task that continues to confront the Service is clearly understood, and it is hoped through continued initiatives such as those mentioned, that positive, incremental change will continue to occur.

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This is an edited version of a paper presented to an Australian Institute of Criminology Conference in Brisbane on June 18th, 1999.

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About the Authors

Lisa Hayes is employed as the Co-ordinator of Youth and Child Protection Programs for the NSW Police Service. She manages a team of senior policy officers that have been responsible for a range of projects including the establishment of Joint Investigation Teams, the introduction of audio and video recording of children's evidence, the Co-ordination of the recommendations of the Wood Royal Commission Paedophile Inquiry, the implementations and monitoring of the Young Offenders Act, the Children (Protection and Parental Responsibility) Act and the implementation of the Children and Young Person (Care and Protection) Act for the Service.

Garner Clancey is appointed at the NSW Police Service as the Senior Programs Officer with responsibility for youth issues. He has worked in the youth sector over a period of eight years including positions in the Department of Juvenile Justice. Garner has completed post graduate studies in criminology producing his dissertation on police cautioning of juveniles.

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