The title is, of course, a slight misquote from Winston Churchill in World War II. Make no mistake; this is a war - us versus the planet. There are abundant signs that all is not well.
Almost daily we hear about increasing risks associated with poverty, inequality, failed states, economic instability, climate change, water availability, food security and loss of biodiversity. And these risks are real; they are not just some kind of green litany.
But as we pass the 7 billion people milestone this is not the end. I see signs that this may be the end of the beginning – a new debate is emerging. We are actively seeking ways to manage the transition from unending growth and resource depletion to a world of a declining human population and a stable planetary economy. It is no longer a debate about "if?" But, "when and how?"
Naomi Klein's recent blog and article in the Nation "Capitalism vs. the climate" vividly illustrates that the real debate about climate change is not actually about climate: It is about what we might have to do to manage the transition to a more sustainable world.
So the debate is not really about rising temperatures; rather it is about the economic and ethical implications of this. The underlying resistance to climate change action is, she argues, resistance to the kinds of fiscal adjustments and public and private investments that will have to be put in place to rein in excessive consumption and growth and ensure intergenerational equity (and the limits to individual freedom that might ensue). The active debate around carbon taxes and carbon trading in this country has a similar basis. We are slowly beginning to have the real debate, rather than an argument by proxy.
What such fiscal adjustments do is to encourage a shift to a low carbon economy and more rapid eco-innovation. I have been away in the United Kingdom for the last 3 years. Strangely you hear little here about the fact that in its 2011 budget, the UK government introduced floor price of a £16 per tCO2 effective from 2013.
Whilst in the UK I visited a small printing company in northern England that had cut its energy consumption by 50% through making big efficiencies in electricity use, the installation of solar panels (yes, even in northern England!) and introducing a major waste recycling program. The firm was more profitable as a result.
At Lancaster University, where I worked, the Environment Centre had an EU funded program in eco-innovation that linked it with over 450 companies in NW England, with the objective of assisting them to capture benefits from the emerging low carbon economy. We already know enough to achieve deep cuts in energy consumption. These innovations could be more widely adopted. This is a valuable beginning, what we now need are the public and private investments to speed the change.
Economists tell me that one of the biggest challenges is to design a new macroeconomics that will allow us cut resource use and prosper with a declining human population.
Tim Jackson's recent book, "Prosperity without growth; economics for a finite planet," begins to explore the parameters of a new economic, social and environmental order. One of the key challenges will be to tackle economic and social inequality and to invest heavily in service-based industries and ecological assets.
We are beginning to tackle the challenge of balancing multiple values in the environment and society, and to design the necessary scientific and economic tools to do the job effectively. An initiative like the Mineral Resources Rent Tax can turn a short-term non-renewable benefit into an investment delivering long-term prosperity for the whole of society. Fiscal adjustments and investment in environmental goods and services are essential.
The long-term prosperity of the human population on the planet is both a political and a moral challenge. Stephen Gardiner, in "A perfect moral storm: the ethical tragedy of climate change," argued that by passing the impact of today's inaction onto the poor, the disadvantaged and future generations, we are guilty of moral corruption.
Furthermore, there are great uncertainties due to a lack of a strong theoretical guidance in areas such as intergenerational ethics, international justice and human relationships to other species. Further uncertainty arises from the fact that we have constructed a complex web of interconnections between human society, its economy and the natural world. We have built a global system whose properties we cannot fully understand and control.
In "The techno-human condition," Braden Allenby and Daniel Sarewitz described a new "macro-ethic" for dealing with such problems. They recommend caution in making predictions and in the search for simple solutions. Surprises will occur - so being pluralist, flexible, adaptive and innovative will assist in the search for robust strategies.
We have known for many years that groups within society hold very different views of their ethical responsibilities to others and to the environment. In his book "Organising and disorganising," Michael Thompson explained how the debate within society about fiscal adjustments, inequality and environmental ethics is polarised as arguments rage between those with "egalitarian and communitarian" views (concern for social justice, inequality and environmental ethics) and those with "individualistic and hierarchical" views (opposition to government assistance, support for profit and individual freedoms).
Society is actually becoming more polarised as the issues become more pressing, even to the point where the USA is becoming gridlocked on major reform issues. Individualists believe that Nature is benign, so can it can be exploited. Communitarians believe that Nature is ephemeral, so stewardship is important.
Over time the balance is shifting towards stewardship and an environmental ethic but democratic societies tend towards sub-optimal "clumsy" solutions as power shifts back and forth between cultural groups. Nevertheless Australia is proof of the fact that democratic societies can debate and initiate important reforms.
Australia is a prosperous country, and we have been fortunate. Our natural endowments are many. To quote Paul Keating, "when they were handing out continents, not many people got one. We did."
Our prosperity has not just been due to good fortune. Anyone looking at the global financial situation can see that we have constructed our own good fortune through a constant process of social and economic reforms.
Through living overseas for a while, I observed first hand just how much we have achieved compared to countries in the northern hemisphere. We care about our environment and our egalitarian roots. Maintaining prosperity is hard work and takes leadership. We should not listen to those who argue for delay or inaction because "nobody else has done it yet."
We are where we are because we have been prepared to lead and prosecute reform. Given the magnitude of change that is required in the next decades we need to continue the robust debate between cultural groups that characterises Australian society and press on. We are the envy of the world for both wealth and prosperity. Let us keep it that way.