Since the mid-1990s, Australia has been at the forefront of a global revolution in the way welfare payments are designed. In the past, being on welfare didn't mean much more than collecting a dole cheque. Now recipients have to meet strict conditions - 'mutual obligations'- to receive income support.
This revolution has largely passed disability pensioners by. Unemployment has fallen. Single parents are returning to the workforce in droves. Yet the number of people on Disability Support Pension (DSP) - currently more than 800,000 - continues to climb. It is becoming increasingly difficult to get on the pension, but once on it we treat all recipients as if they will never work again.
There is a growing agreement - and rare bipartisan consensus - that we should aim to provide more than a life on welfare for Australians with disabilities.
In the future, there will be an even greater emphasis on getting people with disabilities off welfare and into work. Attitudes about the role that people with disabilities can play in the labour market and society are changing. Population ageing and slower workforce growth have led to a growing focus on increasing labour force participation.
Around two-thirds of disability pensioners have mild or moderate disabilities, yet let less than 10% earn any income through work.
DSP now costs taxpayers more than $13 billion a year, making it the second largest piece of social welfare spending after the Age Pension. This figure is projected to grow to more than $15 billion in the next four years.
To reduce the number of people on DSP, we must apply the lessons of other successful welfare reforms.
First, we must identify which disability pensioners are capable of working and which are not. While people with profound disabilities should not needlessly be made to jump through hoops, those whose work capacity can improve over time shouldn't be absolved of the responsibility for eventually looking for a job.
Second, we must create rules and ensure recipients stick to them. Those disability pensioners with some capacity to work should be required to undertake activities (such as job search, rehabilitation or training) that will help them move off the payment. These can be tailored to suit a person's level of impairment and might involve working with a specialist disability employment service. Those recipients most likely to find work, such as younger people who have been on the pension for less time, should be targeted for reassessment first. People with severe disabilities should be offered help – but not compelled – to look for a job.
Finally, we must dismantle the welfare traps that keep people on DSP. The growing difference between DSP and unemployment benefits (currently $130 a week) will have to be addressed sooner or later. If unemployment begins to rise, we will again see DSP claims soar. Eligibility for the Pensioner Concession Card should be disassociated from eligibility for DSP – at least for people with severe disabilities.
We already have two good models for how sweeping reforms of this type could be achieved: the Henry Review recommendations and the Britain's Employment and Support Allowance.
The Henry Review, handed to government in 2009, recommends a 'participation payment' to replace unemployment benefits, single parent payments, and the DSP. Everyone of working age with some capacity to work would face participation requirements, but these would be tailored to suit their individual circumstances. People with severe and profound disabilities would retain eligibility for a pension, but those with milder disabilities would no longer qualify.
Yet despite the growing difference between DSP and unemployment benefits being a hot issue at last week's tax forum, Ken Henry's recommendations continue to gather dust.
Since 2008, new applicants for Britain's Employment and Support Allowance have been streamed into one of three groups based on their capacity for work. Britons with mild disabilities must now engage with a 'Pathways to Work' program; those with more profound disabilities are exempt from the new requirements. Existing Incapacity Benefit recipients are gradually being moved to the new payment. While the program is still in its infancy, it is already showing good signs of success.
Back in Australia, the Gillard government is doing a lot of good work to reduce the number of people going onto DSP, but there are two big issues it is yet to address: What do we do with people already on DSP who could be looking for work? And how do we eliminate the incentive to get on DSP and the disincentive to get off the pension?
The success of welfare reforms over the past few decades in Australia and overseas is the result of a combination of strict conditions and mutual obligations, providing appropriate help to jobseekers to find work, and creating strong financial incentives to move from welfare into work. Using these tools, Australian governments have successfully tackled high rates of unemployment and moved vast numbers of single parents into the labour market. Only by applying the same tools will government be able to successfully increase the number of people with disabilities in work.