Something's happening here. From New York, to Chile, to the United Kingdom. Have you noticed?
In Chile "Commander Camila" and student (Camila Vallejo) is leading a populist uprising (aka Chilean winter) calling for better and more affordable education, and for the end of a two-tier system that supports a few wealthy, elite colleges amidst a sea of underfunded public ones. Older generations are joining the fight, railing against the results of the privatisation of education that occurred under dictator Augusto Pinochet.
Now up to New York, where since 17 September a mass of young people –again joined by older generations - have been "Occupying Wall Street" in a campaign that is described as a leaderless resistance movement with people of many colours, genders and political persuasions. They are no longer prepared to tolerate the greed and corruption of what they call "the 1%".
Zip across to the United Kingdom, look beyond the rioting in London and elsewhere, and see a young and impressive Mark Bergfeld, a member of the National Executive Council of the National Union of Students, mobilising people across the generations against all sorts of social injustices, including Britain's austerity measures.
These events support Ralph Nader's observation in 2004:
In the 1960s I was impressed by the sporadic, scattered efforts of students in the environment, anti-war and civil rights area. They've really contributed a lot more than history has given them credit for. Students have unique characteristics that other people don't have and would like to have. They have a high risk taking ability. They're willing to march, to demonstrate, to engage in civil disobedience for their conscience, for their convictions and for what they think is best for the future of the country. As a result they enlighten and illuminate broader horizons of public concern on the part of people older than they around the country. They are at the peak of their idealism. That's when they should take advantage of asking themselves questions like what kind of life do we want to lead?
Protests almost invariably require a single burning issue to unite people. The fundamental common thread in each of these overseas cases seems to be popular rejection of the neoliberal economic model, sold globally under the guise of individual liberty, privatisation, deregulation and the freedom of the markets, but for the majority resulting in tax burdens shifting from the rich to the general populace, a collaborationist media engineering a general distaste for all collective social efforts and - the pièce de résistance - young people and the working classes being disempowered by the prestidigitating invisible hand.
Although young leaders rising from the ranks may be out on a limb with their own experiences not squaring with their levels of optimism, their enthusiasm drives an enormous intellectual and spiritual freedom. With technological advances and the importation of culture (Che Guevara t-shirts are a case in point) it's only a matter of time before their words and actions generate change in other people, in other places. Hopefully, like in this country.
The late, great Studs Terkel said " all epochs, there were at first doubts and the fear of stepping forth and speaking out, but the attribute that spurred the warriors on was hope. And the act. Seldom was there despair or a sense of hopelessness. Some of those on the sidelines, the spectators, feeling helpless and impotent, had by the very nature of the passionate act of others become imbued with hope themselves..."
The young student leaders rising up are articulate, charismatic and well-informed, but perhaps more importantly, people find them desirable to follow. No wonder John Howard said in 2005, in the process of outlawing compulsory student unionism, "We don't believe anyone should be forced to contribute to organisations which among other things spend their money on blatantly political activities." Students historically were and still are powerful agents of new thinking and of political change.
Earlier this year the The Nation published 'The Top 14 Student Activism Stories of The Year' "to highlight the frequent but often overlooked instances of student and youth engagement with critical political, economic and cultural questions". In October last year Crikey very kindly published a list of MPs who were involved in student politics; the entry for Nick Xenophon is a personal favourite!
It's unfortunately probably accurate to say that there has been a decline in large scale student activism from the early 1980s onwards, whether because of a lack of consciousness of unifying issues, or perhaps because of cultural diversity among students, and perhaps contributed to by the abolition of compulsory student unions cutting out the financial wherewithal. But that doesn't make student activism dead, it's merely dormant.
Do you think our young people don't notice the gap between the rich and the poor, even if they don't personally feel its sting? The fees they pay and the debts they are saddled with for their university educations? The pool of underemployed and unemployed? The casualised workforce, often including themselves? The political monoculture? The political leaders engaged in tickling our innate prejudices? Do we really think that students don't discuss the commoditisation and privatisation of water, energy and biodiversity? Australian singer Kate Miller-Heidke captures the mood with her song Politics in Space: "I'm a baby boomer's daughter. And I'm never gonna reach nirvana".
Even as the Higher Education Legislation Amendment (Student Services and Amenities) Bill 2010 makes its way through parliament - to restore some of the important services lost on university campuses following the abolition of compulsory student unionism-- it is naive not to see that our country's university campuses harbour Australia's equivalents to Camila Vallejo and Mark Bergfeld. Born leaders, young people of intelligence and integrity, determined to make a difference.
I recently caught up with one young activist from Sydney University. She's bright, humorous and dogged, so I didn't come empty handed: I presented her with a megaphone - with batteries - that I had picked up from the local markets for $15.00 (a bargain). The only proviso, which she graciously accepted, is that she keep a full and accurate record of its use. I hope that record's a long one!
She forms part of our new generation of hope and well understands Julia Bacha's signal to pay attention to non-violence and the urgent need to be more than just a passive bystander.