On the International
Crime Victimisation survey conducted by the Australian Institute of
Criminology, Australia ranks poorly against similar wealthy countries. We
topped burglary and assault, came second in motor vehicle theft, and third
in personal theft. Australian homicide figures are relatively low, the
rate being the same as it was 100 years ago. Sexual assault is a difficult
type of crime to compare internationally, as Australians are more likely
to report incidents than victims in most countries.
What lessons are there for crime control?
There have been documented instances of and inquiries into corruption
in Australian police forces. Queensland was the first state to have a
Royal Commission into the issue, followed by New South Wales, and Western
Australia is currently conducting its own. However, occasional concerns
about corruption in policing notwithstanding, Australia has been quite
fortunate in this regard when compared with most other countries.
Clearly, having more police won't necessarily reduce crime, but more
good police can have an impact. Of course, the criminal justice system is
much more than just the police. A lot depends on what happens to people
who break the law, and how the general public reacts.
Over the past century the criminal justice system has become much more
complex. In 1900, people confronting the system faced one of four types of
sanctions: absolute or conditional discharges, fines, imprisonment, or
execution. At the beginning of the twentieth century, executions took
place in our prisons (there were 55 executions in the first decade alone).
The last execution in Australia was in 1967. Today there is a multiplicity
of sentence types and diversion processes, which causes some people
consternation; not everybody is happy with the range of options. One
interesting option is the whole process of restorative justice and
conferencing. (Kathy Daly of Griffith University, Queensland contributed
an excellent chapter on this to the Cambridge Handbook of Australian
Criminology.) Further innovations of this type are still being developed
and trialled in various places.
So what advice may be drawn out of all this for policy makers?
First, it seems important to stick to the evidence of crime reduction.
Better data are needed than those currently available. Data-driven policy
puts Ministers on the front foot. There is a substantial body of evidence
from criminologists around the world - rigorously developed, and often
replicable - about what measures have and have not proved effective. Part
of the task ahead for Australian law and order is the systematic gathering
and evaluation of this kind of evidence. We would, however, be extremely
naïve to believe that political decisions are made on the basis of
scientific evidence alone. Having the good sense to see where science is
tempered by political realities is part of the policy package in crime
reduction. It is equally important to acknowledge local variations and
idiosyncrasies in the crime situation. Innovations that have worked in
Balmain, Birmingham or Barcelona will not necessarily work in Brisbane.
Second, I would remind policy makers of the wisdom in the old saying,
"if a piece of string has one end, then it has another end". As
individuals, we too often focus only on one end, and those with whom we
interact focus on the other end. Sometimes the bit in the middle gets a
bit frayed, and sometimes there are impossible knots. To tie this metaphor
back to the question of crime prevention, it must be understood that the
work of the criminal justice system alone will not achieve all the results
we desire. Co-operative thinking is required so as to produce policies and
programs in this area that harmonise with those in health, housing,
education, employment, and so on. Those with a stake in the issue should
all be involved: communities, professionals, voluntary agencies, social
groups, victims, and others. In thinking about the string we have to think
about inter-agency activities, partnerships, and the boundaries that
challenge us all. An important insight to make is that criminal justice
agencies are not the best or only agencies to prevent crime - crime
prevention is an important by-product of many activities in education,
health, and urban planning, for example, although it is not the core
activity of these policy and program areas.
Third, we need conceptual clarity on the type of crime we wish to see
reduced. There are activities that offend people, and there are activities
that hurt people, and then there are crimes that actually change the way
people live. A bundle of different reduction strategies is available for
each of these, and there are also some common crime-prevention strategies.
It is the activities that offend that typically cause a lot of
difficulties in respect of when and how much to intervene. A group of boys
on a street corner making suggestive comments to the girls walking by; a
group of kids smoking a joint behind a tree; the public use of
disrespectful and obscene language; family altercations, and that sort of
thing. The key here is having sense of when this sort of behaviour might
get out of hand, and it is part of a broader challenge faced by the state
to develop a public commitment to civility - and to try to make this spill
over into private behaviour - while not intruding unduly into private
behaviour. Crime prevention, when too zealously pursued, nudges a society
towards the sort of ominous thought policing that Orwell warned us about.
However, crime prevention is not a challenge for governments to face
alone. We all can contribute to building the partnerships to meet the
emerging challenges. The safest communities are not those with the most
police and prisons but those with the strongest community structures,
including socialising institutions, families, and economic opportunities.
Those opportunities exist and can be moulded to socially productive ends.
Crime prevention is something that requires good conceptual thinking and a
vision way beyond police, courts and prisons - a multi-faceted policy and
practice approach, in which all of us have a role to play as citizens, as
parents, as consumers, and as thinkers.