So while some might see problems, I see the promise that has been proven by the almost 70 year history of the National Congress of American Indians. Like us, your National Congress can survive, thrive and have a meaningful impact at the local, national, and international level.
Second, Indigenous communities can be successful when we're in charge.
Tribes have proven our capacity to govern our communities more effectively than the federal government. It's time for governments – in Australia, the United States, and around the world – to work with Indigenous communities through meaningful consultation, define policy parameters, and empower those communities to manage and deliver services in ways that meet their needs.
Let's be clear – free, prior and informed consent is what we mean when we say consultation. It's not just a chat over a cup of tea once decisions have already been made in Washington or Canberra.
It can sometimes be easy to lose sight of the fact that governance – Indigenous institutions that are credible and strong voices for our people – is at the very foundation of other goals we share. Do you want to improve education outcomes? We need Indigenous people in charge. Do you want better public safety? We need Indigenous cops on the beat and Indigenous caseworkers working with our families.
Thank you again for the privilege to speak at this historic meeting. I look forward to a deepening partnership with the National Congress and trust the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples will take the steps necessary to become the strong and respected voice for Indigenous peoples that Australia's first peoples have been waiting for. We look forward to supporting you on this important journey.
This article is comprised of excerpts from a keynote address to the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples by Jacqueline Pata on June 7, 2011.
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