You'd have thought that the measures to expand training and work readiness might help a woman in a relationship wanting work, but unable to do so because of poor English, or out of date skills . . . well, no, she's not among the eligible groups. There are measures to help others in the population improve low language, literacy and numeracy skills- older workers, apprentices, from the tenor of the Budget papers . . . blokes.
But, if you are a partnered woman under forty and don't have dependant children, your partner will lose the dependant spouse tax offset from I July. That's to 'help encourage more Australians into paid employment' according to the Treasurer.
Women's groups have repeatedly told Ministers that around two thirds of 'hidden' but still counted unemployment is of women, mostly ineligible in their own right for government benefits and work related programs.These are people who tell the ABS they want to work, but can't start within four weeks, so are not officially counted as unemployed.
When unemployment peaked at 5.8 per cent in June 2009, male unemployment hit 6.1 and female unemployment was 5.5 per cent. With the recovery it's now around 4.9 per cent; male unemployment is at 4.5 and female at 5.4 per cent.
The female unemployment rate has barely moved. We are back to the chronic hidden female unemployment and low male unemployment we experienced on the eve of the Global Financial Crisis.
Male unemployment behaves cyclically but women's experiences remain roughly constant.
Skills shortages are to be addressed by this Budget, but a significant group of women is passed over again.
This Budget sees the logic of assisting those with disabilities but not those women facing structural problems in the workforce, such as lack of transport, childcare and low skills and literacy.
A single teenager with a child will now face tough training and participation requirements. She will be required to return promptly to education and training, there'll be assistance with child care costs, and failure to engage will see loss of Government benefits.
Teenage girl parents (this policy does not target the young male parents) are assumed to be feckless. Some undoubtedly are. It is a national shame upon the various education systems that so few have vigorously reached out with positive programs to re-engage young mothers with education and training.
There can be no question that policies to support young single mothers are needed. The policies need to help them develop skills, including child rearing skills, to develop self-reliance, and to become good parents.
A pity this issue hasn't been approached more positively.
For an older single parent an extension of the taper will allow more earnings from workforce engagement to be kept, without reducing benefits. But engagement with the work-force is compulsory, even in one of the many areas with high unemployment rates.
However, partnered women with young children are still permitted to remain full time child parents. And their partners will keep the dependant spouse tax offset.
On the bright side, amendments to superannuation will see the introduction of MySuper, and other reforms, which will mean workers will find it easier to bring together the many individual super schemes to which they contribute. This is a very big deal for youngsters working multiple part-time and occasional jobs, and women working several part-time jobs, to achieve a decent wage.
There is money to meet the commitment to implement improvements to the Equal Opportunity in the Workforce Agency and promote gender equity in the workforce.
And history has been made. For the first time a female journalist was allowed lactation leave/privileges during the lock-up, and the Parliament House child care centre has stayed open until 9.00 pm to care for her baby.