Labor Senators John Hogg, Don Farrell and Steve Hutchins deserve a gold medal. They made a stand for truth within their own party. They have also made a stand for the survival of the labor party and I speak as a former member of the BWIU. The future of the labor party is not with the green party of the fringe as last weekend's news poll shows. The primary result for the Labor Party at just 30% of the primary vote is the lowest poll in News poll history. Were a vote held today it would lead to electoral oblivion for the Australian Labor Party.
The Greens want to puts steel wind farms in everyone's back yard but close the same Australian steelworks that makes the steel for the wind farms themselves. This same party will happily bring Australia's industry to its knees and force us to buy imported steel from offshore polluters like China and India. These countries industries will rub their hands with glee as our own workers join the dole queues and line up for basket weaving courses at the local tech.
These Senators are men of courage and conviction because they have made a stand for the future of the labor party. They have also made a stand against the most pernicious political correctness of our day, the religion of blind obeisance to the homosexualisation of our society by supporting homosexual marriage. Woe to anyone who stands against this Gaddafi-like delusion. I personally know the cost of disagreeing with the new religion of homosexuality and openly declaring to all who care to listen that children need a mother and a father.
The reality is that many homosexuals do not want marriage, as the article last week in the Age by courageous Helen Razer articulates, Homosexuality is a bore now so many gays are wedded to a rickety institution. "Affirming gay marriage has become a progressive reflex and there is no scope for debate. Supporting same-sex marriage is compulsory, rather like an objection to genetically modified food or a preference for buying organic. One cannot say that marriage, particularly the "gay" kind, is silly without being pelted by (conventionally grown) refuse".
Political power brokers from the left and sometimes from the right are using the homosexual cause for their own political gain. The Greens are masters of this. The people who practice homosexuality are being used as pawns in a political game not of their own choosing. Those who are using them do not have their best interests at heart.
The cost of refusing to bow the knee to Gaddafi is that the dogs of war will maul you and you will get a bullet in the head. The cost of disagreeing with the homosexualisation of Australia by the legalizing of homosexual marriage can be a good savaging by the media pack that has a scant regard for the truth or homosexuals themselves, and a bullet in the head for any political career beyond the back bench. You won't last long as a Men's Health Ambassador either.
It only takes a few brave men who will put the future of the labor party ahead of their own advancement. It only takes a few brave men who will make a stand for the truth to turn the tide of such pernicious political correctness. Men of courage and conviction are few and far between. Australia needs more of them. Real men of courage and conviction, just like 'my mum'.
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