The Australian Consumers’ Association (ACA) is a not-for-profit,
non-party-political organisation established in 1959 to provide consumers
with information and advice on goods, services, health and personal
finances, and to help maintain and enhance the quality of life for
consumers. Independent from government and industry, the ACA lobbies and
campaigns on behalf of consumers to advance their interests.
The ACA has long advocated and anticipated legislative privacy
protection for Australian consumers – we regard such legislation as a
necessity. We consider that the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Bill
2000 makes a good start in defining the principles that should govern the
regulation of the collection and use of personal information in Australia.
However, we feel that the framework for the operation of privacy
protection that is established has flaws that will undermine the good
intentions of the Bill. The self-regulatory regime is not defined as a
co-regulatory model capped by an Authority with real power, serviced by an
complaints office of last resort, but rather as a weak default system and
fractured self-regulation.
We also have a number of concerns with the details of the Bill as
relates to Internet use and make specific recommendations for its
improvement from the consumers’ perspective, which are summarised below.
We feel that from an initial goal of simple legislation meshed with a
self-regulatory regime, the shape of the Bill embodies considerable
complexity based in legislative exception and definition, which will
ultimately make the operation of privacy protection opaque and uncertain.
In its current form it will fail to adequately protect the privacy of
The Framework
The ACA does not object, in principle, to the self-regulatory approach
to the protection of privacy in Australia. However, we recommend three
changes to the framework of the Bill:
1. That the Bill be amended to provide penalties which apply to serious
breaches. There is no enforcement authority to monitor the operation of
the self-regulatory system. In the event of self-regulatory failure, such
an authority should be able to take action, both to redress offences
against individuals and to issue credible penalties against industry
2. That the Bill be amended to provide a mechanism by which decisions
of industry Code Authorities can be appealed to the Privacy Commissioner,
and that his findings become precedents for other Code Authorities. At the
least a system of review under which the Privacy Commissioner can issue
binding interpretation should be provided. In the absence of such an
appeal process, it is our concern that interpretations of what is
reasonable, impracticable, practicable, serious and imminent, frivolous,
excessive, related etc will come to be treated in different ways by
different Code Authorities. This will in all likelihood evolve what might
be termed "privacy silos", where the experience of privacy protection
for a consumer will vary from sector to sector, and even within sectors as
different industry associations create Privacy Codes.
3. The Commissioner should be empowered, and indeed required, to
undertake self-directed research, and their own motion investigations and
audits, extending across the full range of code administration schemes,
not just the default scheme. The Commissioner’s powers to approve, audit
and discipline recalcitrant players are uncertain in the Bill.
4. ACA has serious concerns relating to health provisions in the Bill.
As currently stated in the provisions, the consumer’s right of access to
their health records are substantially undermined by the range of
"exceptions" that can be used to deny access to health records. The
right of access in this Bill is substantially weaker than that under
legislation that gives consumers a right of access to public sector health
It is important that all health records have consistent rules with
regard to access and the right to correct incorrect details. Our
recommendation is that either the health provisions be removed from this
Bill and dealt with under a separate code or health be dealt with as an
enforceable code directly supervised by the Privacy Commissioner
A number of terms used in the Bill are critical to the successful
operation of privacy protection but are undefined. The Bill needs to deal
with them explicitly.
We recommend that Use of personal information be defined as any
operation or set of operations performed on personal data including
collection, recording, organisation, storage, adaptation or alteration,
retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or
otherwise making available, alignment or combination, blocking, erasure or
destruction, including but not limited to the participation of that
information in a decision to do or to omit to do an act, and the
utilisation of that information in any act. This is particularly relevant
where conditions on ‘use’ are the primary safeguard for the sharing of
data across organisational boundaries. Is it a use of information simply
to store it, in other words to possess it? Does reading or browsing a
record imply use of it, or is it only when action results that use
eventuates? What crystallises use?
We recommend that Purpose be defined to ensure that information
applicable to an individual that has been derived from personal
information collected from the individual is protected to the same degree
in terms of purpose and the operation of the other Non-Primary Purposes.
Does the purpose of information change if it is computer-processed in some
way? For example, if purchasing records are correlated to infer
information about the health status of an individual, what is the purpose
of the information derived?
We recommend that Collection be defined to include update and
correction of data items as well as original de novo collection, and that
the insertion of one item in a dataset (defined as the set of data records
related to a particular individual in an organisation) should be deemed to
have been a collection. Is data collected if it is derived by means of a
correlation or inference from other data held by an organisation? Has data
that has been updated or corrected been collected? If so, are only the
data items so processed collected, or does the whole record (undefined)
inherit this property? Indeed, do related records (the record set)
pertaining to the individual also inherit the collection at this point?
Does the process of updating a data item move it into the privacy regime
or not, that is, is it then collected after the operation of the section?
For the same reasons, the terms Disclose, Consent, and Store should be
given a defined meaning in the Bill.
DNA information
DNA information should not be assumed to be privacy-sensitive and
potentially commercially useful only in the context of health. As an
additional item of definition, we feel it should be included as sensitive
information in its own right.
Related bodies corporate
We recommend that an explicit test of
consumers’ expectation or a test of related or similar business
activities be used to limit the reach of organisations within which
information can be freely disclosed. The effective extension of
organisations to include entities related as defined under Corporations
Law makes effective protection of consumers’ rights to opt out of
information sharing impossible. It is also presumable that the broad
definition cuts two ways, and "a request to the organisation not to
receive direct marketing communications" will be required to be
honoured throughout large corporate webs.
Small Business Exemption
We recommend that the exemptions for small business should be removed
from the Bill. The proposed definition of small business as a business
with an annual turnover of $3,000,000 or less in a nominated test month
will make it hard for a consumer to judge whether a business should be
meeting privacy standards or not. The ACA considers that a positive
obligation on all business to observe proper privacy practice is more
Political Parties
We recommend that the exemption for political parties should be refined
to reflect actual concerns related to possible infringements on democratic
processes. The ACA is sensitive to the needs for democratic processes to
be protected. However, it would set a double standard for political
parties to be granted a global and sweeping exemption. Political parties
should set a best-practice example in the management of personal
information gathered from constituents.
Application of National Privacy Principles
We recommend that National Privacy Principles 2 (Use and Disclosure)
and 6 (Access and Correction) be applied to existing data, although
perhaps only after a phasing-in period. As discussed above, the question
of the definition of collection is very material to this issue and that
these principles are not applied is a serious deficiency in the Bill as
Privacy Codes
We recommend that Privacy Codes should be a disallowable instrument for
the purposes of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901. The ACA considers that
given the potential weakness of the proposed self-regulatory regime, the
Privacy Codes approved by the Privacy Commissioner should also be subject
to parliamentary review. We are also concerned that the Privacy
Commissioner can charge fees for access to the Register of privacy codes
and Register of determinations. We recommend that the Commissioner not
charge fees for making the registers available to the public, though the
Commissioner may charge fees providing copies of, or extracts from, the
Comment on Schedule 3 - National Privacy Principles
Use and disclosure
We recommend that organisations should not be allowed to send
unsolicited mail, except to either people with whom they have a
pre-existing relationship or people who have consented to receive it. The
issue of the ‘practicality’ of seeking consent is entirely within the
gift of the marketer. Once again, the ‘privacy silo’ problem of the
self-regulatory model arises, making it almost certain that various Code
Authorities will determine this question differently. Is the test of
practicality money? How much money is impractical, in other words, how
much is a consumer’s privacy worth? It is also our recommendation that
the direct marketer should be required to offer an opt-out opportunity at
each approach.
Data security
Given that the primary purpose is the reason the consumer gave
permission for the collection of data, we recommend that an organisation
must destroy or permanently de-identify personal information if it is no
longer needed for the primary purpose for which it was collected. We
further recommend that an organisation must destroy or permanently
de-identify personal information on the request of the individual to whom
that personal information relates.
We recommend that Openness require an organisation to make certain
documents available to the general public.
Access and correction
We feel the same access test should apply to health information as
general personal information, particularly since the test for general
personal information is stronger. In addition, we feel it is important
that individuals have guaranteed access to their own data. We further
recommend consumers should not be charged for access to their own
Where providing access would reveal the intentions of an organisation
in relation to negotiations with the individual in such a way as to
prejudice those negotiations, some providers may hide information from
consumers who, providers believe, wish to complain. In the present draft
Bill the organisation is made the judge of what will prejudice
negotiations as opposed to information that the consumer may need simply
to negotiate on an equitable basis. This situation illustrates the need
for an appeal mechanism to a neutral authority that can make binding
rulings. We would prefer this to be the Privacy Commissioner, backed up by
courts or ADJR review, but in the absence of such an apporach, we
recommend that organisations must agree to the use of mutually agreed
arbitrator to review the reasonableness of decisions and actions by the
Sensitive Information
The operations of some non-profit organisations reach deeply into the
lives of some consumers and we recommend that only such information as
relates to their non-commercial activities should be exempted from
We do not feel the consumers’ interests should be overridden by
professional bodies, however constituted or conducted. We are very
concerned by the question of who judges in the specific instance
"purpose cannot be served by the collection of information that does
not identify the individual or from which the individual’s identity
cannot reasonably be ascertained". It is in the very act of
interpreting purportedly authoritative codes and guidelines that
significant uncertainty for consumers arises. Therefore we recommend that
de-identified data be allowed only for research relevant to public health
or public safety purposes.