But what the gang of four didn’t anticipate was how skilfully the miners would prosecute their case. While Rudd and his Treasurer Wayne Swan framed their argument in terms of fat, greedy and rich mining executives versus working families who deserve “their fair share”, the miners linked their prosperity to jobs, superannuation and the economy generally. The mining industry’s ads were far more effective than the government’s ads, which failed to address either why the miners should pay a 40 per cent mega-tax and or concerns that the tax would weaken the industry.
As Friedrich von Hayek observed in The Road To Serfdom, governments have a big disadvantage compared to markets because government knowledge is inevitably limited, while the market is a unique mechanism which is able to efficiently use the knowledge possessed by every individual to decide how resources should be used within an economy. It follows that governments cannot know the full impact of any policy they implement. As I have previously noted, Rudd had a lot to learn from Hayek.
One way in which governments can overcome their inherent lack of knowledge is to consult numerous stakeholders before making a major decision. In contrast, the Rudd government kept the contents of the Henry Review secret for months, before suddenly announcing their new big tax on the mining industry. If the government had listened before deciding, they would have heard good arguments concerning the rate of the tax, the drawbacks of having a threshold at which the tax kicks in, why a uniform rate for all parts of the industry is problematic, and so on. From good processes usually follow good policies.
Instead of such prudence however, the government was caught out by its failure to consult, leading to the ex-Prime Minister playing catch-up by talking to mining executives after the government had made and announced its decision. Since the tax formed the backbone of the government’s projected return to surplus in four year’s time, Kevin Rudd was unwilling to negotiate on the rate of the tax or the threshold at which it applies. This difficult political situation could have been avoided if the government had consulted first and decided afterwards.
Even if the government had ended up making a decision which the miners did not like, at least the government would be able to say that it had consulted and listened to the miners beforehand. Furthermore, many of the tax’s more controversial elements would have been altered, thus reducing the severity of any outcry that followed.
What we got instead was a standoff between the miners and the government and which only one side can win. As other commentators have noted, such a situation would never have occurred under the Hawke government, which often consulted and hence erred less.
The problem for Rudd was that once the voters realised he was all about spin over sincerity voters stopped listeningin a similar way to how they switched off to John Howard and Paul Keating in their final years of office.
While Rudd and his advisers focused on winning the day-to-day soundbite battles since the day he assumed office, swinging voters don’t record or keep a track of which side of politics won the spin wars on the most number of days during the last term. Instead, they probably evaluate the government’s performance overall and compare it to how they think the Opposition would do before casting their ballot. And as time went by, they started to notice how little the government achieved since it won office. Indeed, were it not for the unpopular WorkChoices, it is likely that many voters would now admit that they erred at the last election by voting for Kevin Rudd.
The irony is that Rudd only has himself to blame. It is he who exercised unprecedented control over his government, so he has to take personal responsibility for all of its big mistakes. The fact that a gang of four makes all of the big decisions with minimal input from the caucus or the wider community is absurd, and helps explain why the government has made so many mistakes. A more inclusive process focused more on good policy than short term politics would have prevented many of the blunders.
Like most economic illiterates, Kevin Rudd advocated for bigger and more interventionist government. The biggest irony of all is that his government’s numerous shortcomings have greatly discredited his own economic cause.
From the above, it follows that it is no surprise that Kevin Rudd has been dumped. Only a change of leader will make substantial alterations to the tax politically feasible. Furthermore, a Gillard Government can divorce itself from Rudd’s spin-driven style of leadership which the voters are clearly sick of.
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