John Harborne
John Harborne is a retired investigative metallurgist. He was employed by the steel wire manufacturing subsidiary of BHP Co. P/L at Newcastle, NSW, for 46 years. He holds a BSc in metallurgy from the University of NSW and a BA (double majors in French) from the University of Newcastle. He is affiliated with the Institution of Engineers Australia (MIEAust, CPEng) and the Institute of Materials Engineering Australasia (IMEA). He was very active on 14 technical committees of Standards Australia for 20 years, representing both BHP and IMEA, positions he relinquished only in early 2008.
He has become a fervent climate change sceptic, insofar as he believes that anthropogenic carbon dioxide has insignificant influence on global warming. This belief is reinforced by the fact that, despite the huge amount of funds expended on research over the past 20 years, no one has yet been able to produce irrefutable proof of the pretended link between CO2 increase and average global temperatures.
He became interested in global warming “science” through CCS (CO2 geosequestration) when the proposed process came to the fore only a few years ago. Through his academic training in metallurgy he quickly realised that experts in the field were not divulging physical data on the transition from coal to CO2 storage.