Ken Macnab
Dr Ken Macnab, BA (Hons) (UNE) D.Phil. (Sussex), retired in 2001 from the Department of History, University of Sydney, where for 36 years he taught courses ranging from broad Modern European history, through Imperialism, Nationalism and Racism and English Class and Culture to the histories of Crime and Punishment, Deviance and Violence.
His research interests include the history of warfare and peacemaking, and capital punishment and interpersonal conflict (such as duelling). He also concentrates on the nature and history of terrorism, and the implications of the post-September 11 "war on terrorism".
He has been for some years President of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Sydney, where he also teaches a postgraduate unit on "Cultures of Violence" and supervises postgraduate research.
Author's website: Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies