Glen Kile
Glen Kile is the Executive Director of Forest and Wood products Research and Development Corporation.
Dr Kile was appointed Executive Director in February 2002. Prior to his appointment Glen was Chief, CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products from 1992.
As Executive Director, Dr Kile is responsible to the FWPRDC Board of Directors (and is also a member of the Board) for leading and managing the operations of the Corporation in close consultation with the forest based industries throughout Australia.
Through his previous role Dr Kile has extensive experience and achievements in R & D leadership, management and planning, evaluation and establishment of cooperative research arrangements. He has also taken a strong interest in the development of scientific input to forest policy.
Dr Kile is the author or coauthor of over 100 publications, Chairman of the Standing Committee of forestry (in 2001) and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering.