Lin Hatfield Dodds
Lin Hatfield Dodds is the National Director of UnitingCare Australia. UnitingCare is the community service network of the Uniting Church in Australia and is one of Australia’s largest non-government providers of community services, with close to $3 billion invested in community services.
UnitingCare Australia represents over 400 community service agencies, located in every State and Territory, providing services to over 1 million Australians each year. These services are provided to children, young people and families, people with disabilities, and older Australians, in urban, rural and remote communities.
UnitingCare Australia is committed to values based advocacy, speaking with and on behalf of those who are the most vulnerable and disadvantaged, for the common good.
Lin’s background includes working as a counselling psychologist and policy advisor. She has worked as a psychologist in government and community settings, including in drug rehabilitation and with young people at risk, and in her own practice, with a particular interest in trauma and abuse.
She has also worked as a public policy advisor on health, health ethics, and community services within federal and state government.
Lin is President of the Australian Council of Social Services, and chairs the ACT Community Inclusion Board. She serves on the Board of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture.
She was a member of the National Youth Advisory and Consultative Forum which advised the then Federal Minster for Children and Youth Affairs. She has given expert testimony to Federal Parliamentary inquiries into poverty and disadvantage, welfare reform, community service delivery, taxation and income support, refugee policy, mental health and other issues. Her contribution to the community was recognised by an International Women’s Day Award in 2002, and in 2003 she was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to study anti-poverty strategies and issues associated with the delivery of welfare services in North America and Europe.