'Inequality in a dog collar': how the Religious Discrimination Bill hands more power to the powerful Law & Liberties - 21/10/2019 - 28 comments |
Privileging prejudice: the threat and opportunity posed by the movement for 'religious freedom' Law & Liberties - 5/06/2019 - 12 comments |
A Tasmanian Liberal conscience vote on transgender law reform will diffuse potential hate campaigns Law & Liberties - 14/03/2019 - 32 comments |
Religious have no right to judgment on sexual orientation or gender identity Law & Liberties - 6/12/2018 - 99 comments |
It's time to draw the line on discrimination exemptions in marriage legislation Law & Liberties - 27/11/2017 - 40 comments |
Brendan O'Neill: defending the nanny state in the name of freedom Law & Liberties - 5/05/2014 - 15 comments |
2014 will be an important year for marriage equality Law & Liberties - 31/12/2013 - 50 comments |
Not us, not here, not now Law & Liberties - 1/11/2013 - 12 comments |
In defence of state and territory same-sex marriage laws Law & Liberties - 19/09/2013 - 65 comments |
Lessons from America Political Philosophy - 16/11/2012 |
How marriage equality was defeated in Tasmania Law & Liberties - 3/10/2012 - 11 comments |
The slippery slope to homophobia Law & Liberties - 7/06/2012 - 17 comments |
Seeing red: why John Pilger is wrong on marriage equality Law & Liberties - 23/05/2012 - 13 comments |
Eclipsing the religious right Society - 4/05/2012 - 91 comments |
Marriage equality: the cold, hard facts Society - 24/08/2011 - 41 comments |
Parliamentarians should have a conscience vote on gay marriage Law & Liberties - 1/11/2010 - 160 comments |
If Portugal can allow same-sex marriage, why not Australia? Law & Liberties - 8/07/2010 - 90 comments |
The Great Victorian Denial Society - 19/04/2010 - 13 comments |
Love and freedom in Van Diemen’s Land The Arts - 14/10/2009 |
The right to belong Law & Liberties - 6/07/2009 - 12 comments |
Couples are not couples unless they can marry Law & Liberties - 15/04/2009 - 145 comments |
Equity, choice and inclusion Law & Liberties - 6/11/2008 - 1 comment |
Not all change is bad Society - 15/07/2008 - 12 comments |
Defining relationships Law & Liberties - 20/05/2008 - 6 comments |
Pinkwash Law & Liberties - 7/04/2008 - 5 comments |
Whatever your relationship ... Law & Liberties - 19/12/2007 - 36 comments |
The new pink vote Domestic Politics - 15/11/2007 - 29 comments |
Catholics limiting choice Education - 6/06/2007 - 57 comments |
Breaking the spell of silence Society - 29/03/2007 - 28 comments |
Does the Commonwealth Marriage Act inadvertently facilitate gay marriage? Society - 18/04/2005 - 65 comments |