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South Australia Election 2006 : Questionnaire

Welcome to INsight - our election panel for the South Australian election. The purpose of this project is to give both you and us insight into what is really happening. Most reporting tends to focus on parties, politicians and candidates, but neglects the real decision makers - you. By talking to thousands of voters via surveys and some focus groups we can report the campaign in ways that are relevant to you.

If you want to be part of our panel, please complete the following questions as accurately as possible and click the "submit" button. If you have already filled out the questionnaire and want to view our coverage of the election, click here.

1. Thinking about South Australia in general, do you agree that the state is heading in the right direction?

2. Thinking about your answer to the previous question, in one sentence could you tell us why you hold that view?

3. Thinking about voting in general, how would you normally vote?

4. Thinking about the next South Australia election, if an election were held tomorrow what party would receive your first preference vote in the Legislative Assembly?

5. Thinking again about your first preference vote in the Legislative Assembly, how likely is it that you might change your intention before the election and vote for another party?

6. In a South Australian election it is compulsory to cast a preference vote. Which of the two listed below would receive your higher preference in the Legislative Assembly: that is you would prefer them to be the government?

7. How would you rate the performance of Mike Rann?

8. How would you rate the performance of Rob Kerin?

9. Thinking about this state election, what is the issue that is most likely to influence your vote?

10. Irrespective of how you intend to vote, if you were thinking of voting for Mike Rann, what would make you hesitate the most before casting that vote for him?

11. Irrespective of how you intend to vote, if you were thinking of voting for Rob Kerin, what would make you hesitate the most before casting that vote for him?

To ensure that this poll is as accurate as possible we need to ask you a few demographic questions. The answer to these questions will be completely confidential and will not be used for any purpose other than this research project.

12.Your Name:

13. Age:

14. Sex:

15. Residential Postcode:

16. E-mail address:

(Only required to confirm that details are correct and are yours).

17. Are you prepared to be involved in follow-up research?

(If you answer "Yes" to this question we may send you further occasional questionnaires).

I understand that all information I supply in response to this questionnaire will be kept in the strictest confidence, in accordance with On Line Opinion's privacy statement.

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